
One to one ringcraft sessions are available to anyone wishing to improve their dog's performance in the show ring or their own ringcraft skills.

Perhaps your dog is fearful or shies away from people approaching or is at the opposite end of the spectrum, very over exuberant! Stress and over arousal can negatively impact on both your, and your dog's experiences of the show ring, and stop you both reaching your full potential. We can help identify the root cause of these problems and make a plan to address these issues.  
We have extensive experience working with a range of breeds of dogs, using our behaviour knowledge and understanding and our show experience to bring out the best in all of the teams we have worked with.

Many of these teams have since gone on to achieve success at both open and championship level shows, including Crufts, with clients going on to win CCs and RCCs. 
Emma has been showing her dogs for over a decade, both at open and championship level. Emma has attended Crufts with five of her own dogs, receiving placings in both the BASC Gundog Classes and the Labrador Breed Classes.  

Emma's Labrador bitch Elsie was awarded an RBCC, and her daughter Prue followed in her footsteps gaining numerous first placings at championship shows. Prue has also been awarded her stud book number and, after being awarded her third Challenge Certificate at Leeds Championship show in 2022,  is now a Show Champion.

Another notable recent success was Sula being awarded a second place in her Labrador breed class at Crufts in 2023, with an entry of over 30.

Emma has also bred three litters, with many of the pups qualifying for Crufts before 12 months old. One of the pups, Monty (Madgack Mulberry) has been awarded a third CC and is now a Show Champion along side his sister Prue.