Gundog Training

Gundog training can help to channel your dog's drive and enthusiasm into an activity that is both cooperative and fun.

Even if you have no desire to work your dogs on a shoot, gundog training is definitely an activity you and your dog will enjoy doing together.

We welcome all gundog breeds into our classes as well as gundog breed crosses. We also welcome non-gundog breeds if they show an aptitude for the training.
We run gundog training introduction days, workshops and regular training sessions. Our gundog training sessions take place on alternate Thursdays. We run a beginners class on a Thursday afternoon from 1pm to 3pm, and an improvers class on a Thursday morning from 10am to 12pm.

The beginner class covers Grades 1 and 2 of The Gundog Club scheme, and the improvers class, Grades 2 to 4. We arrange Gundog Club Field Tests with an independent Gundog Club assessor regularly.  
Emma Stoker has run her dogs in working tests and has worked her dogs on local shoots over the winter months. She has experience of both driven and walked-up shoot days, with her Labradors happy sitting behind the guns waiting for their opportunity to retrieve, and her spaniel happy beating, driving game forwards towards the guns.

Emma has achieved Kennel Club Working Gundog Certificates, both on dummies and game with three of her dogs, two showbred Labradors and a spaniel. Her spaniel Pip has achieved his Grade 4 Gundog Club Field Test Award, as has her Labrador Prue. Prue's daughter Sula is working her way up through the Grades.