

My aim, when constructing this blog, was to create a space where I could post articles, or my own personal insights into a range of canine topics. 

I'm a Canine Professional, I have both academic qualifications and proven practical skills. I am also an autistic ADHDer, so my brain is wired a little differently to most people. I'm not a writer, but I 'think', probably more than is necessary, and sometimes I need a space to share those thoughts. 

I'm an introvert, and in a world full of LOUD people, who are busy shouting, pushing their own opinions and ideas, and belittling those who don't agree with them, which seems to have become the norm in the dog training world recently.  But I think it's important that ALL our voices are heard, even the small ones. 

So here's my blog, my quiet contribution to the canine world. 

I hope you enjoy reading it,

Emma x

Emma Stoker

My insights on resource guarding, a common, very normal behaviour in dogs, which can sadly escalate, and result in the breakdown of ...

Emma Stoker

A recent conversation got me thinking about how much we expect from our dogs, in response to the sometimes very ambiguous training we give ...

Emma Stoker

In this Blog we discuss neutering, the benefits and pitfalls, and when is best to neuter if at all. We will discuus neutering both Dogs and ...

Emma Stoker

In this blog we look at that age old adage 'we'll see how we get on.....' Training should be preventative, rather that reactive

Emma Stoker

Finding the right canine professional can feel overwhelming, especially with so many options available. So what should you be looking for?