Raising Puppies - Getting it Right

Raising Puppies - Getting it Right. A webinar aimed at breeders, pet professionals, and new puppy guardians. Covering all essential puppy topics.

Raising Puppies - It can be more challenging than you think!

Raising a happy, confident, and well balanced puppy is a challenge. There are many things to consider, including our individual puppy's personality and temperament, their breed history and genetics, and their early life experiences.
In this webinar, we look at puppy development, socialisation - including choosing appropriate experiences for your individual puppy, puppy sleep and puppy exercise, toilet training, and that all important topic play biting. Those baby puppy teeth can be 'oh' so very sharp!

We also discuss the use of puppy pens over crates. Problem behaviours, including resource guarding, attention seeking and separation related problems are also included. 

Course Curriculum

Meet your trainer:
Emma Stoker

Emma has a BA in Education, a BSc in Canine Behaviour and Training, is a Certified Dog Behaviour Consultant with the IAABC, a full member of PACT and is on the ABTC register.

 As well as being accredited with several organisations including, Scentwork UK, The NNA, The Gundog Club, The Agility Club, The International Dog Parkour Association, and Canine Hoopers UK, Emma is also a Certified Canine Fitness Trainer, a Kennel Club Rally Obedience Judge, an Agility Judge and a GCDS Examiner.
The content of this webinar was designed, collated and written by Emma x

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Raising Puppies
- Getting it
