Life Skills for Puppies

A 6 week online puppy course, with over 30 training tutorials, covering a range of puppy behaviours. Building a Bond that will last a Lifetime.

Our online Life Skills for Puppies course will provide both you and your puppy with all the knowledge and skills you need to thrive in your day to day lives together. 

In our life skills classes we have planned a series of progressive exercises that build the skills that our puppies need to live happily and comfortably within our homes. We provide you with all the knowledge and practical expertise you need to have a long and happy life together.  This is a 6 week course, with each week divided up into 5 daily exercises. You can choose to watch one tutorial a day, or work through it at your own pace -  whatever suits you!

There is also online support available, in the form of our 'Puppy Plus Community' facebook group that you can join to ask questions, post recordings of your training if that is something that would be useful for you. We have over 300 members, and all enjoy the support and friendship that the group provides.

This course is the perfect accompaniment to our Puppy Essentials online course. Together, these courses enable you to balance your puppy's emotional wellbeing with the teaching and learning of useful behaviours. We teach you, as your puppies guardian, how to understand your puppy and meet both their physical and emotional needs.

This leads to a relationship that holds less frustration, and more patience and care - for the both of you.

Our course content includes exercises on;

  • Teaching your puppy to pay attention to you in lots of different environments
  • Luring, including how to use this method to teach a spin and twist, sit, down and stand
  • Building up a super strong recall, including the adding of distractions
  • Come back when called even when there are distractions, such as other dogs, sheep or squirrels 
  • Loose Lead walking, including leisure and training mode
  • Teaching a settle
  • Leaving both food and toys
  • Teaching you puppy to be happy in the stay position, with you moving away, step by step

Meet your trainer:
Emma Stoker

Emma has a BA in Education, a BSc in Canine Behaviour and Training, is a Certified Dog Behaviour Consultant with the IAABC, a full member of PACT and is on the ABTC register.

 As well as being accredited with several organisations including, Scentwork UK, The NNA, The Gundog Club, The Agility Club, The International Dog Parkour Association, and Canine Hoopers UK, Emma is also a Certified Canine Fitness Trainer, a Kennel Club Rally Obedience Judge, an Agility Judge and a GCDS Examiner.  

This course was designed and written by Emma, for people who want to understand their puppies needs and provide them with the very best start they possibly can. If you have a young puppy and are one of these people - then this course was written for you!

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Life Skills for
