Adolescent Dogs Webinar

This webinar is a guide to understanding your Adolescent Dog, how they think, what they do, and what they need from us

Understanding your Adolescent Dog

In this webinar we take a deep dive into adolescence, it's affect on our dogs, and our relationship with them. We look at brain development and it's impact on behaviour, reward perception, and frustration. We also look at puberty, including the role of testosterone and it's affect on our dogs impulsiveness,  judgement and risk taking.

 We discuss our role within our adolescent dog's lives, and how we can address their needs at this time. Socialising an adolescent dog is not the same as socialising a puppy, and it is important to understand the differences and how best to move forward with our dogs in order to support this. Training and management strategies are outlined also.
We also look at stress, how to recognise stress behaviours, and how this can affect our adolescent dog's lives, causing problems behaviours such as reactivity. 

Course Curriculum

Meet your trainer:
Emma Stoker

Emma has a BA in Education, a BSc in Canine Behaviour and Training, is a Certified Dog Behaviour Consultant with the IAABC, a full member of PACT and is on the ABTC register.

 As well as being accredited with several organisations including, Scentwork UK, The NNA, The Gundog Club, The Agility Club, The International Dog Parkour Association, and Canine Hoopers UK, Emma is also a Certified Canine Fitness Trainer, a Kennel Club Rally Obedience Judge, an Agility Judge and a GCDS Examiner.
The content of this webinar was designed, collated and written by Emma x

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Adolescent Dogs
